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Kim Jeffrey
The Johns Hopkins Univeersity
Jiseung Seo
Chonnam National University
Jihoon Nam
Sogang University
Lynch JR Robert Paul
Missouri Baptist University
Jeongho Yoo
Trinity Western University
Seyoung Lee
De La Salle University
Lisna Surtini
University of Macquarie
Eunbi Jo
Minnesota State University
Geunhee Lee
Ajou University
Kyungmin Kim
University of Pennsylvania
HyeJin Jeon
The University of Winnipeg
Letlape Tlotlo Trudy
City varsity
Eunseon Oh
Yonsei University
Gyunghee Lee
Seunghee Seo
Yeongi So
Jungyoon Lee
Sunjoo Choi